viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

The fundamental purpose of education is ...

The fundamental purpose of education is to create good human beings.

Education serves as the means to bring about the desired change in society, to develop a generation of virtuous individuals and thus contribute to the development of good human beings. The fundamental purpose of education is to gain knowledge, inculcate the forms of proper conduct and acquire technical competency. Education serves as the means to develop oneself physically, mentally and socially. The importance of education to youths manifests itself in terms of the need to cultivate the youths of society into mature individuals. Education is important for the youths, as youth is their growing stage. It is the time to develop the principles of life, make career decisions and begin the pursuit of one's goals.

Education to the youths should consist of the training that is an extension to their fields of interest. The education should help the youths define their career objectives, decide what they want from life and enable them to achieve success in their fields of interest. Education to youths must aim at helping an individual form a skill set and work upon it to develop expertise in the areas of his/her interest. The education for youths should consist of courses that can help the youths with their careers and aims of life.

Education to the youths should open doors for new opportunities in various fields. It should help the youths find avenues to pursue their likes. It should enable them venture into new fields and explore new areas. Education must help the youths realize their goals.

It is important that the education to youths aims at developing a social awareness in these adults-to-be. It is important that the training given to them consists of environmental education. Values like saving animals, curbing deforestation, controlling pollution should be inculcated in the youths of today. The education to youths should bring before them the present-day problems faced by the society. The youths might come up with innovative solutions to the problems of today. Education should aim at resolving to foster the good practices into the youth in such a way as a conscious choice rejecting the bad ones. Education to youths should bring forth the critical social issues and encourage the youngsters to resolve them. Education should motivate the youths to come forward to work for society. It should instill in them a feeling that they belong to the society and that it is their responsibility to drive it on the righteous path.

Overpopulation is another important social issue we face today. It is one of the greatest concerns of mankind. Sex education, effects of excessive growth of population and the ways of controlling population need to be taught to the youths of the present times. The education to youths should give them a sense of social awareness, along with their growing sense of self-awareness.

The fundamental purpose of education is to create good human beings. Education is vital to the healthy growth and development of one’s personality. In making the ‘beings’ ‘human’ to produce ‘human beings’, lies the importance of education to youths.

What do you think?

sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

What do you think?

Con el ánimo de fortalecer el aprendizaje del ingles, aquí se presentarán temas relacionados con la educación, y redactados en ingles para que todos los sanramonianos puedan fortalecer la comprensión  y  lectura de este nuevo idioma

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011






martes, 19 de julio de 2011


                                 WHAT'S IN A DECISION?

Conscience ("sense of rigth and wrong") and decision ("choice") are relatives in terms of behavior provided that their influence on our lives constantly overlap.

Is it difficult to tell right from wrong?
Not very often. Most of the times, we do know deep insight what we should do.
According to Saint Paul, the right thing to do (i.e. what God expects from man) is "written in man's heart.  Man's concience speaks to him". In other words, the capacity to tell right from wrong is in born, it comes with you.

Why is it then that so many jung people make, more than often, the wrong desicion?   Well, there are two main issues to take to account: On the one hand, with tend to disregard our conscience's advice and
rush to act and think as we wish to run away from guiltiness.  On the other hand, since our concience's voice is weak and fine, It is rather "convenient" and "handy" to have it "seared with a hot iron" so that
it turns insensitive and numb, unable to tell us anything else and we prevent any further untimely questioning.

Thus we get our way but, undoubtedly, we will reap what we have sowed; soon or late the consecuences of our actions will reach us, for good or for bad! here is the piece of advice for your dear students: DO NOT SILENCE YOUR CONCIENCE'S VOICE!  Let it speak; listen to it because it is god's light for your path young man our lady. Do not rush: take your time at the moment of making up your mind.

Mauricio Gomez Torres
English Teacher

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

PROYECTO EDUCATIVO INSTITUCIONAL: “De la mano hacia el reencuentro con el campo”


La Institución Educativa Departamental Técnico Agropecuaria San Ramón, promueve la formación integral del estudiante, orientado hacia el trabajo en el sector productivo y competente en procesos de control de calidad en alimentos con las siguientes características:

         Autónomo para tomar decisiones responsables

·        Intelectual y técnicamente competente

·        Comprometido consigo mismo, con la institución  y la  comunidad para transformar el entorno.

·        Abierto al cambio buscando  mejorar su calidad de vida 

·        Equilibrado en el claro sentido por la vida y los derechos humanos.

·        Orientado de acuerdo con sus aptitudes   y aspiraciones  para desempeñarse en la  producción agropecuaria con calidad.

·        Apto para aplicar la tecnología que se requiere en los procesos inherentes  al  sector productivo.

2.            PERFIL DEL  EGRESADO:

Es una persona con capacidad crítica, con gran competencia laboral en el campo agropecuario.


A partir del año 2006 la I. E. D. TECNICO AGROPECUARIA SAN RAMON se a consolidado como colegio Técnico Agropecuario y a partir de esa fecha se han logrado cambios importantes los cuales han fortalecido y engrandecido al colegio.

Inplementacion del convenio institucional entre el SENA “Mosquera” y el colegio en 4 modalidades tecnicas,  en la institucion las cuales los educandos de los grados Decimo y Once las toman durante el año lectivo, estas son.

Tecnico en Explotaciones Agropecuarias Ecologicas.

Tecnico en Procesamiento de derivados Lacteos.

Tecnico en Preservacion de Recursos Naturales y Medio  Ambiente.

Tecnico Analista de Frutas y Verduras “Fruver”.


Además en la granja del colegio se realizan las siguientes actividades y proyectos con los educandos de los diferentes grados.

1.    1.  Avicultura, aves de postura: alimentacios y recoleccion de huevos.

2. 2.    Porcicultura, Alimentacion y Manejo.

3.   3.  Cunicultura, Alimentacion y Manejo.

4.  4.   Ganaderia,Producion de leche y Manejo.

5.   5.  Vivero, Adecuacion Ornamentales, Maderables y otras especies.

6.   6.  Proyeccion de cultivos Perenne bajo Invernadero.

7. 7.    Proyecto del Cultivo de Aromaticas “Ramoncito” en Primaria.

8.  8.   Reciclaje Institucional papel en seco, plastico y demas materiales.

9.   9.  Ornato y Adecuacion en la Institucion

A10. Ambiental, Recuperacion y labores culturales en el Humedal “el Cacique”. 

5.             SEMILLEROS

Taller o actividad del huerto: Semilleros